Friday, 29 May 2009

lack of content

Well guys sorry about the lack of content theirs been lately ,I'm sure i will be doing more venturing out over the next couple of weeks and months trying new places ,well old places I've not tried for a long time like areas of the white cart river and also the Barrhead dams which I'm really looking forward to as their are still big fish to be had in these great but neglected places and why their neglected i don't know as they hold true beauty beyond anything else in and around the Glasgow area, also as i think I've mentioned before it beggars belief why no one has the fishing rights for the Barrhead dams as it would make a fantastic fishery with many different sized lakes which could be filled with all sorts of different fish ,although trout would always be my main quarry .
i just love the thought of being able to take a boat out on the big dam and going over drift after drift searching out trout in the place that i was first introduced to fishing and a place were i have the best of memories, this place is special to me and to see it being neglected is a total injustice.

the white cart ,what a great river ,it hold some of the very best trout fishing in the urban city and also it most definitely has some of the best looking and also the biggest trout in Glasgow ,as i often here of fish well over 2lb being caught and fish up to 4lb are caught every year on the river .
the cart has also allot of great memories that i often go back on when the fishing isn't quite up to what i was hoping for ,and memories of fishing Pollock estate are some of the best ,like days when i first picked up a fly rod at around the age of 15-16 and remember my first trout it was on a dry fly which I'm sure I've mentioned somewhere before ,but that was around at the run after Braidcraft roundabout in the run that runs along side Nethercraig,s running track and rugby fields.
i have had many good fish from the white cart river and stunning looking fish to ,so to go back to these places is always a little scary even when you hear good things ,i still think i worry that the magic that was once their will be gone ,and often it is as I've grown a good bit older since then and that certain excitement is just no longer as defined as it once was ,but god do i still enjoy it very much ,its like no other feeling to me I'm most definitely a fly fisherman before any other kind of method of fishing and their are many i do enjoy over a season,but a nicely balanced rod a good quality line the cast is made and all those things you have learned come together in an almost perfect cast ,i am happy and their not even a fish in sight.
now that for me is fly fishing as if you enjoy your casting then those days when you draw a blank will still be great days as you will have been able to cast well.

enjoy your fishing no matter what the fish may say.