Tuesday, 24 February 2009

New forum for 2009

I have went to the trouble of setting up a new forum for people who fish the river kelvin .
I feel the new forum will be much better as far as quality goes ,and i also hope their are more registered users on this forum to keep it afloat , as i feel their is a real chance of this becoming a great place for advice on fishing on the river by different methods, and also so as the river gets more publicity ,thus getting it more protection from poachers etc!.
I intend to make a real go of this and do my best to keep people interested in the forum and what it has to offer,.
i also intend to make a real effort in making the tying section a good place to source fly patterns and how to tie them through step by step photos and written guides which is a great passion of mine and a few others who i know fish the river.
i hope these other people will also help in getting as many patterns up on the forum for people to view and hopefully also encourage some new people into fly tying.
i hope anyone interested in the river kelvin will join and help us to make this gem of a river in the middle of Glasgow to flourish ,,and also to help it get the protection it needs from the constant onslaught of fish being killed in the river, and i am not innocent here either, so i want to make changes to my thinking too,, and the forum will help me to do that if i can see people are making a real go to change.