Tuesday, 9 December 2008

in the search of cart grayling

well I'm off in the search of these elusive grayling that are said to be in the cart and in good numbers if you can find them ,also I've been hearing their are a few in the 2lb weight so that would be nice ,god a 4 inch grayling would be nice ,in fact i would be grateful to find the roach or the good old perch in abundance as it would give me something to fish for over the close season which seems to be never ever ending ,but as they say time goes on and ill be their on the first day of the new trout season with rod in hand and a great big smile on my face, even though i never catch anything on open day ,but that don't matter when your on the river you love the rod in hand and you manage that first good cast of line of a new season ,i cant wait I'm most definitely going to be on a quest for the seatrout this new season as their are some big boys coming up the kelvin and i want to get one at night although I'm not looking forward to meeting all the river kelvin inhabitants ,like the great water rat which I've seen as big as a small cat well it was probably actually a mink as their are quite a few around new and they are lovely animals and really good to watch and also very skilled hunters ,so I'm off up the cart float rod in hand and a tub of maggots to go and ill let you all know how i get on OK.